

The Mini-EUSO software is designed to run with specific hardware configuration making use of both COTS products and custom electronics boards developed by members of the EUSO collaboration.

NB: If you wish to compile and run the software on any normal laptop/computer without the aforementioned specific hardware configuration, please see these instructions.

The software is designed to run on PC/104 CMX34GS or CMX34BT single board CPU ( but will compile on any linux-based operating system (tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and Debian 8). This board is used in conjunction with the DM35520HR 12 bit analog I/O module connected to the main CPU board via the standard PC1Ie/104 bus.

In Debian 8, the required packages are:

build-essential vsftpd expect libraw1394-11 libgtk2.0-0 \
libgtkmm-2.4-dev libglademm-2.4-dev libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev \
libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0 stress bridge-utils \
git-core emacs usbmount gdb ntp libboost-all-dev \
inotify-tools digitemp libasan lsb_release linux-headers-3.16.0-6-amd64

The setup script, CPU/CPUsetup/ takes care of the installation of these packages, as detailed below.

Installation instructions

  1. Set up the CPU hardware with a keyboard, screen and working ethernet connection

  2. Download and install the Debian amd64 Standard Desktop from a bootable USB. Follow the default options and install onto the 32 GB flash storage of the CPU.

    • user: minieusouser

    • password: on the EUSO wiki (members only)

    • connect to the network mirror to allow updates

    • install GRUB onto the 32 GB flash drive

  3. Restart the system and boot into the OS, login as root using the same password and su -l

    • ensure the analog board and cameras are also connected (necessary to load the drivers)

    • the ethernet connection can be configured by copying the following lines into the /etc/network/interfaces file

    • the CPU has 2 ports (eth0 and eth1), so edit this file as necessary:

      auto eth0
      allow-hotplug eth0
      iface eth0 inet dhcp
    • following this run service networking restart from the command line

  4. Download the software from the repository:

    apt-get install git-core
    git clone /home/software
  5. Run the setup script:

    cd /home/software/CPU/CPUsetup/
  • downloads the necessary packages

  • sets up the FTP server

  • builds the software

  • set the local time to UTC

  • configures the network for use with the Zynq board

  • sets up autologin to the root user on boot

  • restarts the shell

NB: this script should only be run once, when first setting up the CPU, if you need to clone the git repository again, see the Update section of these docs

  1. Check the time on the CPU is sensible (it resets if the battery is disconnected) using date

  • if the time is incorrect, use, for example:

    hwclock --set --date “2017-10-04 09:41:50” --utc
    hwclock --hctosys

to set the current time.