Test procedure ============== General guidelines for tests concerning the Mini-EUSO instrument. Initial set-up -------------- * Check all sub-systems are connected correctly and that the grounding is proper * Document the state of the instrument (preferably with pictures) * Keep a log of tests carried out in addition to the log files provided by the CPU, although these should also be saved (there is a section dedicated to `integration and testing `_ on the Mini-EUSO wiki) * Before starting tests run ``mecontrol -help``, this calls :cpp:func:`InputParser::PrintHelpMsg()` function to see all available commands * Read the `usage documentation `_ pages to understand the operation of the instrument and what these commands do * Start by running ``mecontrol -db`` to run a debug program of the main subsystems and check everything is working as expected, this calls the :cpp:func:`RunInstrument::DebugMode()` function * Make sure to use the ``mecontrol -comment "..."`` command to add a comment to both the filename and the :cpp:class:`CpuFileHeader` Connecting to Zynq ------------------ * The ``mecontrol`` software automatically switches on the Zynq and waits for it to boot when performing an acquisition. However, in the past there have been some issues which require a Zynq reboot, for which the commands ``mecontrol -lvps off -subsystem zynq`` and ``mecontrol -lvps on -subsystem zynq`` can be used * If there are problems with the automatic connection of the Zynq by the ``mecontrol`` software, try rebooting the Zynq and checking for ``ping`` to return with 0% packet loss before trying the ``mecontrol`` software again. Tests with HV ------------- **Always take care when using the HV that the instrument is in proper darkness (black box) and that all LEDs are disabled or removed** * Once satisfied that the grounding is correct and the instrument is in proper darkness, start by switching the HV on to < 300 V using, for example, ``mecontrol -hvswitch on -hv all -dv 1000`` to ramp up the HV dynode voltage. The cathode voltage is always set to the 900 V mode (other modes are 0 V and 750 V). This is done with :cpp:func:`ZynqManager::HvpsTurnOn()`. * The status can be further checked using the ``mecontrol -check_status`` command (:cpp:func:`RunInstrument::CheckStatus()`) * The HVPS status returns 9 numbers, corresponding to each EC unit: * 0: the EC unit is off * 1: the EC unit is on, but status is undefined (can be switched down) * 2: the EC unit is on, but not at the correct voltage (switched down) * 3: the EC unit is switched on and at the correct voltage * For the engineering model, only one EC is connected and thus the unconnected ECs will return undefined results * When the HV is behaving as expected with simple status checks, it is suitable to proceed with raising the HV dynode voltage to the desired level * To take an acquisition with the HV on use, for example:: mecontrol -log -hv all -dv 3000 -asicdac 500 -zynq periodic * The asic dac must be set when taking an acquisition, otherwise, the value in the configuration file will be used by default * This is the ASIC threshold setting, and should correspond to the single photoelectron plateau of the S-curve * To take an S-curve with the HV on run:: mecontrol -log -hv all -dv 3000 -scurve * There is no need to specify the asicdac for an S-curve, all thresholds will be scanned * Ensure the HV is switched off before exposing the instrument to high light levels by checking that the ``mecontrol -check_status`` returns:: HVPS status: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NB: If EC units are not connected, their status will be undefined and can return non-zero values. In this case use the EC by EC commands described `here `_.